Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Survival of Yet Another Camping Trip.......

Yes, once again we (or I) survived yet another yearly camping trip :) This year we experienced more than ever! Our daddy took off work Friday so we could take the camper out to the campsite and set up since Shawn was out of school. Me trying to help him back this house on wheels into a little strip of concrete was not so good! We had to send the kids on an adventure in the woods so they would not hear us yelling at each other over this crazy camper.

After finally getting the thing backed in and unhooked from the Suburban, we were all smiles and happy again. We got everything set up and settled in and took the kids on a walk down a trail through the woods. We came back and it was time to drive back to Arlington for Shawn's football practice. After practice, we drove back to the campsite where everyone was arriving and setting up camp. We let the kids stay up until about 10:30pm since we had to drive back to Arlington the next morning for Shawn's football game (they lost 12-18! Ran out of time while on the 10 yrd line and driving :( ) After Shawn's football game we went back to camp!!! Yeah, once place for a while!!!!!

The boys quickly changed into camo clothes and were off with all the other kids doing who knows what on their trails they found in the woods! We gave Shawn a cell phone so he could call us and we could call him! Boy did he call us!!!! That child may never get a cell phone! He would use entirely too many minutes!

To make a long story short, Saturday, I read 5 WHOLE magazines, Shawn fell 10 feet out of a tree in the woods, we took the kids fishing for the first time, Shawn caught a fish, lost a fish, got hooked and finned and Reid decided fishing was not for him, but he loved pulling the worms apart and distributing them as bait to everyone fishing! Of course the boys were going to stay up ALL NIGHT LONG and watch the sun come up the next morning! I believe the clock said 10:40pm when I covered them up and put their arms and legs back up on the bed because they were passed out cold!! Their daddy said, "oh well, got to have big dreams".

We got up Sunday morning and the kids were off again! We ended up leaving the camp around noon so we could get back home and unload the camper and stuff. Shawn was out of school on Monday also, so I took advantage of that time and we went and got out bale of hay, cornstalks and pumpkins for the front yard! We are officially ready for fall :)

Until next time........Love to all - Lisa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daugher, the camper! Sounds like a lot of fun as well as relaxing. You're a great mom to do these things they are making wonderful memories for the boys that they will carry forever. I well remember all the camping trips with my dad. I'm like you in that a want a few ammenities, such as a bed off the ground in a camper! Go Mavericks, hope they win on Saturday, love Nin